Monday, February 06, 2006


This is not my first blog. A few years ago I made an attempt at keeping one up regularly. For my true fans, you can find it here.

So why the change of venue, you ask? I feel the need for a change. I want to do this more regularly. It could be fun.

So what is new in my campus jungle? Not a whole lot. It is February, and the ground is finally covered with snow. So much for these brutal winters that Michiganders like to boast about. This is the second mildly significant snow fall we have experienced this winter. That sure sounds to me like Global Warming. For more info and commentary on that, check out my dad's blog.

Enough about the weather.

I watched part of a documentary about Ronald Reagan tonight. My neigbor, Jairus, is enamored of the late President, and is the owner of 4.5 hour long documentary that contains everything you could ever want to know about the good ol' gipper. Jairus has been wanting to watch the documentary with me for quite some time, and we chose what would have been Reagan's 95th birthday to begin the viewing.

Did you know that when Reagan was an actor, he was an FBI informant regarding communism in Hollywood? I'm not sure I feel good about that. The work of McCarthy in American history is no point of pride for me. Lots of lives were destroyed. Some might say it was worth it. It kept that big red dog from digging in our backyard. I suppose fear is a powerful motivator.

Time to retire. I must go learn about global economics at eight oclock in the morning.

One final note: The ESPN bracketologist currently has us at a no. 2 seed in the Atlanta bracket. Duke is the no. 1 seed there. Our chances of capturing the big ten title are also high, as long as we can win our remaining home games, and two of the three remaining road games. I have a good feeling. So all is well in the basketball world.

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