I had trouble sleeping last night. I'm not sure if it was the heat, or my itchy brain that kept me awake. Probably a pleasant combination of the two. I put movies on to help me sleep. I got through all of "The Matrix: Reloaded" and part of "Napoleon Dynamite" before the sand man won out.
This posting is really boring. I think I will change the title. No, wait. I will add a secondary title.
I did find a really crazy/cool website last night. It is here. Apparently this guy just follows the Newsboys around the world, and records his exploits on the internet. Kinda funny and surreal. I am glad that other people do these things, so that I can enjoy them vicariously, as opposed to wasting time doing it myself.
Speaking of travel, I am considering joining the Peace Corps when I graduate in a year. I would like to work at their project in Jordan. It would give me good overseas experience, and hopefully increase my odds of getting into a hot grad program. It's strange to be thinking about life more than a semester in advance. I hope I don't have one of these "quarter life crises" that you hear people talking about. I am having too much fun living on the edge to go into a crisis. In a month, I will be in Bangladesh. In a year, I could be in Jordan. After that, who knows?
I must think of a time to go on my grand adventure journey. Here is a map of how I would like to go. (I start in Pakistan, and end in Europe...)

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