Wednesday, January 17, 2007

in which Tim feverishly prepares to speak at large group

I think my outline is done. It's probably the trickiest talk I've ever written, mostly due to the large amount of ground I have to cover. Isaiah, Jesus, Bangladesh, Acid Victims, Porridge, Rickshaws and Egypt. It might be a stretch, but it's all there. I even managed to integrate some audience participation.

I might need to re work the part where I talk about Paul. I am not sure I like the flow. Perhaps talking about Isaiah, three gospels, and three of Paul's letters all in one talk was a bit ambitious. Eh. I will do a couple readings tonight, one tomorrow morning, and another right before the talk. Hopefully that will iron out the wrinkles.

This posting probably makes no sense to anyone who isn't me. But (God willing) it will all come together at 7:30 PM tomorrow in 107 Kedzie. Feel free to either come, pray for me, or both. All is appreciated!

I need to sleeeep.

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