Take a good look at that picture. Those two pieces of vegetable look pretty darn similar, don't they? I agree. The problem is that one is a green bean, and one is a particularly explosive little breed of chili pepper. Those of you who know me well know that I do not usually shy away from strong flavor. In fact, I usually enjoy it. But eating this thing is like allowing a small nuke to be detonated on top of your tongue. Not pleasant. So next time you happen to be eating green beans in Bangladesh, be careful. You might get more than you bargained for.
So we got back from the field late last night. After seeing the elementary schools that I talked about in my last post, we toured some health clinics, village community groups, regional offices, a silk harvesting plant, and a very cool recycled paper mill. But after three days of being the 'honored guest' everywhere we went, both Rachel and I felt a strong desire for a little bit of anonymity. I guess we'll have to get used to 'sticking out' for a couple months. This pic is a good example of that (can you find me?)...

While we were in that village, we figured out that the little kids (and the adults, I guess) really get a kick out of seeing their picture on the screen of a digital camera. So for about twenty minutes, we were up to our elbows in crowding, staring, laughing, chattering Bangladeshi villagers. It was a lot of fun. I will figure out a more efficient way to post more pics, so that you can share my joy...
So yeah. I am looking forward to this week, since my internship will sort of be starting in earnest. I will be able to get into a routine, and start to get my life a little more structured and a little less hectic. I appreciate the prayer and the emails.
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